Saturday, September 04, 2004


The bulb catalogs are arriving. Browsing for bulbs differs in quality from the rainy-day catalog ritual of January. Even in the middle of winter, spring has inevitability. Looking out to the dripping sunflower stalks looming gray in the mist, one can still imagine sunlight on the April garden. Bulb shopping, however, is a small act of faith. Spring is not a given on the continuum of seasons. It is fully two and one half seasons away. Planting bulbs is not, as leaps of faith go, as dramatic as planting a tree. But in a world gone mad it is possibly the biggest leap I can manage at this time.

With regard to bulbs, glossy pictures and great prices have always seduced me. Last year’s experience may have changed that. Admittedly the planting was late. But I once planted well into December and was nevertheless rewarded with stunning displays. Last year’s performance was tepid, with less than half of the bulbs blooming, and many of those stunted. This failure has served to reinforce the adage ‘you get what you pay for’.

As a consequence, I have been looking around for a new bulb source. Colorblends (Schipper and Co.) offers an extensive selection and wholesale prices but you must buy in bulk. They received rave reviews at Garden Watchdog (a great resource for discovering information about garden retailers).

In keeping with that time-honored tradition of garden shopping, overindulgence, I submit my selections:

Tulipa Bakeri ‘Lilac Wonder’
Narcissus bulbocodium conspicuus ‘Hoop Petticoat’
Narcissus jonquilla ‘Pipit’
Narcisuss ‘Cheerfulness’
Tulipa The Crusaders blend
Tulipa 'Big Eartha'
Later added two from Ebay
Narcissus triandrus 'Hawera'
Narcissus cyclamineus 'Jetfire'

I was delighted to note that several of the above are included in the gardens of Paghat the Ratgirl. If these are good enough for her garden they are certainly good enough for mine.

Hopefully, this year’s bulb planting will be more timely.