Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Coleus monstruoso

Well, not really. This is Giant Exhibition Limelight (Solenostemon scutellarioides, previously known as Coleus blumei)

The leaves on this beauty are 6 inches long and four inches wide and the color leaps out in the shade, mixing well with darker foliage plants. A couple of years ago I grew Limelight with Palisandra, a purple, almost black, Giant Exhibition coleus. Now I see that Park’s is offering a collection (not mix) of this series. In addition to Limelight and Palisandra , it includes Tartan (green, cream, burgundy, and hot pink), Copper Queen and Scarlet II. I suppose I will need to wrestle with my mixed feelings about Park’s because, come January, I know I will want must order these.

For years Park's was the only source I could find for Fairway Rose coleus( outside of a mix). This coleus has always been essential to one of my favorite shade combinations. Paired with just the right shade of magenta impatiens to match the center of the coleus and filled in with white lobelia it makes quite a show.

It was while browsing for Fairway Rose that I ran across the Giant Exhibition series. I believe these are contemporary hybrids of the heirloom coleus that were said to be quite the rage in Victorian times.

I have always used coleus as a companion, a background to showcase other plants. The Giant Exhibitions are bold and take center stage in a planter. I'm looking forward to trying some of the other colors.


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