Monday, March 20, 2006

Vernal Equinox

[Latin vernalis, from vernus, from ver, spring.]

[Middle English, from Old French equinoxe, from Medieval Latin aequinoxium, from Latin aequinoctium : aequi-, equi- + nox, noct-, night; see nekw-t- in Indo-European roots.]

Today marks the vernal equinox. The sun crosses the celestial equator, continuing north until the summer solstice. From now until June 21 the daylight will be greater than the darkness. Seeds will sprout, leaves will emerge, weather will stabilize and we’ll all marvel anew at the miracle of seasonality.

Or so I thought until stepping out this morning to a leaden sky, cold sharp wind and snow flurries. Here in the southern reaches of the PNW the first day of spring is usually, well, …springlike. So this morning’s decidedly wintry slap created a brief moment of cognitive dissonance. I know it really is spring by astronomical reckoning. My garden is showing sure signs as well. I planted early crops yesterday in my usual springtime manner. Stores, in a burst of optimism, are bringing out patio furniture. And here I am, reaching for my down jacket.

I don’t mind too much, though. The march toward balmy breezes is inexorable. The peas are up. The almond trees are in bloom. The frozen tomato sauce supply is dwindling. Whatever the weather says the seasonal dance proceeds on schedule.

A technical note. The side column now has a link to my new garden photo gallery and a section showing random books from my garden booklist. Thanks to Kathy at Cold Climate Gardening for this post introducing me to Library Thing.


At 5:38 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

Where we live, the first day of spring is almost always a misnomer. While we have had the occasional mild day, we know we will still see snow in April. So snow on the first day of spring, which we had today, is not so much cognitive dissonance for us as the expected order of things.

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Kasmira said...

Yeah! I didn't realize that the vernal equinox was here already! Long live daylight!


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