Monday, December 27, 2004

Tempting fate

Coincidence? I think not.

As described in the previous post, we were treated to ice crystal “snow” against beautiful blue sky and thin winter light. But the afternoon brought a warm strong wind. Though no clouds were in sight I awoke Sunday to rain. As the temperature dropped the rain turned to snow, which continued for several hours.

Snow gives the phrase “winter interest” a new meaning for any of us remiss enough to still have tomato cages in the garden. And I am quite certain that garden designers who speak of “vertical features” are not describing bamboo teepees in the snow.

Still, the said garden structures, a mere few hours earlier standing in mute reproach ,were softened and transformed.

Our snows are notoriously short lived. This morning the snow was almost gone and the cages and teepees are once again stern, admonishing me to get off my dead a** and clean up the garden!

Here in the southern part of the PNW there is no winter long blanket of forgiving snow, no white cloak to cover testimonies to this gardener's negligence.

Now if a dry day could possibly fall on a weekend?