Saturday, February 07, 2009

Witch Hazel

Hamamelis spp.
Witch Hazel

Here in southern Oregon February is a liminal time. We are, literally, on the threshold. It is not yet spring, but it is no longer winter. Days are longer. Bulbs are pushing. And the Witch Hazel is blooming.

Two Hamamelis species are native to the eastern United States but here the Witch Hazel is planted as an ornamental. Its blooming marks for me the first sign of the seasons changing.

The coming week's storms are lined up in the Pacific but a walk around the park assures me that the stormy season is passing. Witch Hazel cultivars from pale yellow to lemon yellow to orange russet contrast against the grays and greens.

It won't be long now.

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At 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a beautiful walk in the park. A good look at the plants trying to pop through the ground only makes the yearning for spring more intence. Where I live in Indiana, mother nature is teasing us with signs of what (may) be around the corner, However living here all of my life I have learned not to count on these signs. I have lost many plants that have came up during some nice weather, only to be covered in snow a few days later.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nice to have you back again, and friends in the USA still have snow, so I'm wondering if you're snow free yet ...

At 2:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Good to know you're still here - thought I'd let you know I've borrowed your words (again) here - hope it's ok!

At 4:54 PM, Blogger said...

Witch hazel would be a nice addition to my landscape, it would add nice contrast with the grasses and japansese maple i have planted, thanks for sharing the info!

At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Dirty Girl Gardening said...

Great pic!


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